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Horse fence

How to buy a new Horse Fence in 7 simple steps. 

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If you have recently bought a horse property or are giving your old one a makeover, fencing is probably the first thing that you need to think of. It sounds simple to buy a new fence, but once you start the process it can quickly get overwhelming and time-consuming. To help you escape this stress and find the perfect way forward from start to end, we have laid out a detailed process. 


So, if you are looking to buy new horse fencing, these three minutes will probably save you from months of hassle, confusion, and frustration. At Stock & Noble, we offer the finest fencing solutions to high-end property owners across Australia and New Zealand. Our objective is to help you build the most beautiful equine properties, just the way you’ve always imagined. 


In this article, we have provided you with the best way of buying a new horse fence in Australia and New Zealand. You will learn a step-by-step process to follow that ensures you put only the best foot forward and find the fencing that is right for you.  


The best process for buying horse fencing 

If you want to make a great first impression, you need to invest time, money, and energy in making sure you get what you want. This process will help you plan, but you have to put in the effort to follow it for the best results. 


Step 1: Figure out what you want from your horse fencing

There are a plethora of options, types, and kinds of fencing with distinctive features, varied materials, different looks, and different benefits. Think about what is the kind of fence that you need? 


Are you looking for an electric fence, a cost-effective fence, something that looks stunning, is minimal maintenance, safe for your horses, versatile, available right away, long lasting or something else? 


Once you have listed all the features you want, narrow it down to three that you have to have. These three features are the absolute must-haves and no matter what, you need them in your fence. This step will lay the foundation of buying the right fence for your property. 


Step 2: Do thorough research on horse fencing that is right for you 

When you begin your search, all horse fencing will appear to be the same. Especially if you are looking at similar materials, the fencing from different suppliers will look alike. However, Horse Fence varies in quality, durability, maintenance, aesthetics, and cost depending on the manufacturers. Not to forget the process of installation might also differ considerably. 


So, invest your time in reading, researching, and learning thoroughly about the different fencing options that you are considering for your horse property. 


For example, when you look at different options of flexible plastic rails – Horserail, Stallion Rail and Bounce back they might all appear to be the same. But if you want only the original Horserail, then you must dig deeper. You can read and find out more about the original Horserail and its different versions. 


Another example would be various kinds of Steel Post and Rail Fencing available in Australia and New Zealand. Initially, they all appear to be strong and long lasting. However, when you look closer and do your research, you will find out the differences are huge in terms of looks, quality, installation, and maintenance. If you want, you can see how we have compared the different Steel Post and Rail fencing suppliers to help you find out the right one for you and your property. 


Step 3: Plan the fencing for your horse property 

The biggest difference between an excellent and average fencing project is the planning that goes behind it. Fencing is something that will make the first impression and will stay with you for decades. It is almost a permanent feature of your property and it is important to ensure the kind of fencing you choose and the layout you plan is visually appealing, functional, and not a compromise. Fencing has truly little room for regret and replacement.  


Step 4: Calculate a rough meterage and cost 

The first thing you should know is how many meters of fencing you require. You can step this out, use a tape measure or wheel measure stick. 


Once you have a rough meterage ready you can use our free interactive tool called “Plan my fence,” to calculate an approximate cost of fencing your horse property. 


Step 5: Plan the gates 

Gates are extremely important for the overall functionality and aesthetics of the property. It is a good idea to include them in the planning stage and think about where, how many and what kinds of gates you would like to have. Ideally you would want to position gates so that there’s easy access for horses and vehicles. It will be worthwhile, to learn more about how to choose the right gates for horse property. 


Step 6: Make a sketch 

You can put your vision down on paper and create a rough sketch of the layout and fencing plan to share with your fencing contractor and fencing supplier. Alternatively, you can reach out to your fencing supplier for a detailed CAD design. This will bring clarity to the entire project and help you achieve a result closer to your expectation and vision. 


Step 7: Contact the horse fencing supplier  

Once you have narrowed down your options, finalised your plan and know how much fencing you need it is time to contact the suppliers. We would recommend reaching out to different suppliers who have the fencing you want. Ask them for details on the fencing, quotes, lead times and installation guides.  


Discuss your requirement in detail and request for a free sample of the horse fencing option you are likely to order. In case the supplier is not able to provide you with a free sample, ask for a site visit. If possible, check out a project where your chosen fence has already been installed. There is nothing like seeing your future fence in real. Once you have all the details, take your time, do your comparison and you should be ready for the final call. 


Are you confident to buy the new horse fencing for your property? 

In this article, you learnt the 7-step process of buying a new horse fence. Now you know what needs to be done when you want to give your property the fencing you have always dreamt of. It is easy to find the right fencing that makes a statement provided you follow this process and avoid any confusion that leads to wastage of time, effort, and money. 


If you want to learn further and have in-depth understanding of how to choose the right fence, 5 things you need to know before you buy horse fence in Australia is a great start. It will give you the detail of all the fencing options which are currently available in the market and guide you towards the fencing solution that matches your vision. 


If you have more questions on cost, material, quality, durability, or anything to do with fencing, feel free to speak to our fencing expert. We offer a free personalised consultation with zero obligation of purchase. All we want is to help you build the most beautiful equine property. 

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