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Dispelling 4 Electric Fence Myths Horse Owners Believe
If you’re a rancher, you’ve undoubtedly heard some rumours and stories about electrical fences – possibly even got a few stories of your own! We’ve also heard many but unfortunately, some claims are nothing more than urban legends. So, to deflate misconceptions, we’re going to reduce four of them today!
An electric fence shock is dangerous.
Do you think electric fencing shocks are detrimental to animals? Well, we suggest you’re mistaken. Most people believe shocks aren’t harmful to them, however a few still associate an electric shock from electric fencing for horses to be similar to a shock you might get from a powerline or from an electrical plug in your home. The shock from electric horse fencing is never detrimental or severe, but rather an irritation caused by a quick light zap. Animals learn to obey the borderline not out of fear but to avoid unpleasant memories.
Everything that comes into contact with the fence is shocked.
This is one of the most prevalent misconceptions. Many new property owners ask about it anytime they want to fence their property. However, animals or humans could not feel the shock unless the circuit was complete to the fence, one of the essential components in the ground. As a result, birds perched on the fence are never shocked by the electric fence. Likewise, when the fence is not grounded correctly, no one experiences significant shocks and, in some cases, nothing at all.
The electric fences are invisible to horses.
Even people have difficulty detecting fence wires from a distance. Ranchers are always concerned that their horses would be shocked by fences since their eyes are placed on the side of the head and have a vision of around 20/33. However, it’s not as if horses can’t see them. If you’re still not persuaded, rather than investing in high-tensile wire, check out our Electric Fencing Solutions, which has a broad range of alternatives ranging from equirope to legacy line electric fence. These are highly recommended for equestrian fencing. These wires are not only visible, but they are also safer and friendlier to horses.
An electric fence can only be tested by touching it.
If you are new to the electric fencing business, I’m sure you have heard this line a million times. Although touching a fence will tell you whether there is a shock or not, there are several testers and remotes on the market that will tell you if your fence is functional and what voltage it is reading right now.
So, the next time you hear one of these fence misconceptions, you can help us spread the word about the reality regarding electric fences and dispel some common misunderstandings! If you’re new to electric fencing and aren’t sure where to begin, see us at Stock and Noble to browse our extensive selection.